In-Person Seminar
Where is the NSW Planning System headed?
Tuesday 24 October 2023
Offices of Bartier Perry, Level 25, 161 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Join us in person on Tuesday 24 October 2023 for a conversation with Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully. The Minister has taken office amidst a crisis of housing supply and on-going criticism of the slow pace of approvals by State and local government. As well, the Government is reviewing some incomplete infrastructure projects and the renewal of public housing stock in Waterloo. Out west, the new city of Bradfield (Western Parklands City) is taking shape as the Western Sydney airport’s main building is scheduled for completion and operation by 2026. Lots to hear about and discuss.
Registration for this event is essential. Admission is $50 of which $25 will be the AIUS membership fee allowing a discounted entry fee of $25 for future in person events
Key Speaker:
The Hon Paul Scully
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces
NSW Government
The Hon Paul Scully, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, is an economist by profession and held the position of the Chief Operating Officer of the Australian Institute for Innovative Materials at the University of Wollongong. Having taken up his seat in the Legislative Assembly as Member for Wollongong in Nov 2016, he was Shadow Minister for Planning and Public Spaces after stints as Shadow Minister for Counter Terrorism, Police and Natural Resources. The Minister is a strong advocate for denser housing arguing that low rise housing such as terraced housing and manor houses offer opportunities to increase dwelling numbers throughout the residential R2 zones of Greater Sydney.
Michael Neustein, Chairman, AIUS NSW
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Where is the NSW Planning System headed?