Changing perceptions of the city
Thursday, 9 November 2017
4.30 - 6.30pm
PTW, Level 11, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney
From Lewis Mumford’s pathfinding work on the modern city, to Gottmann’s Megalopolis and Jane Jacobs’ celebrated examination of this dominant organism of modern civilisation, the city has been in the forefront of politics and planning. Sydney has spawned the commercial hub of North Sydney, which has more floor space than several State capitals, and the Greater Sydney Commission is now plugging the unusual idea of a multicentric city (unknown to London, New York or Delhi), with special attention to Parramatta. Three speakers will give us the view of their organisations on what the future may hold for the development of Sydney in the next 50 years.
Bob Meyer AM is probably the most experienced architect-planner in Sydney today. In half a lifetime with the NSW Department of Planning Bob was responsible for the 1988 Metropolitan Strategy, was Director of Planning and Development for the Macarthur Development Board and has prepared a number of town centre plans. In 2003 he was awarded the Sidney Luker Medal for contributions to town and regional planning. Parramatta’s being given CBD status in the current metropolitan strategy has encouraged Bob Meyer to press his case for making Parramatta the administrative centre of NSW. This is the main thrust of his perspective of the future Sydney.
Ann-Maree Carruthers has been Director, Urban Renewal for Sydney Metro in the Department of Planning and Environment since 2015, having worked there for the previous nine years. More than 18 years working in both the public and private sectors on urban renewal, strategic planning and development assessment, including leading particular urban renewal projects, provide a strong base for Ann-Maree to examine future directions in city development.
Giovanni Cirillo has been a planner in Sydney since 1991. He is the Managing Director of Planning Lab, a private urban planning consultancy. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at The University of Sydney in the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning. Giovanni was the former Executive Director of Urban Renewal of Major Sites at the NSW Department of Planning, and the former Director of Planning and Regulatory Services at the City of Sydney Council. Giovanni will speak about the significance of reshaping ‘suburban’ Sydney and rethinking the detached single dwelling house.
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Changing perceptions of the city