Virtual Seminar
NSW Smart Places – Reshaping digital enablement for inclusive planning
The first in a series investigating smart city programs in Sydney, Seoul and Singapore
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Virtual Event - Link to be provided once registered
To find out how the NSW Government is supporting urban innovation and digital enablement in place-making and precinct activation, join AIUS and the NSW Smart Places team for a presentation and a Q&A panel. Hear about the Smart Places Acceleration Program and funding to encourage local government, NGOs, and institutions to undertake pilot projects.
To get a head start, visit www.dpie.nsw.gov.au/smartplaces.
Key Speaker:
Simon Hunter
Executive Director, DPIE is leading the implementation of the NSW Smart Places Strategy to embed smart cities into the planning of urban and regional areas across NSW.
Panellists from NSW Dept of Planning Industry and Environment
Emily Rucker, Director of Smart Places Policy and Engagement
Rory Brown, Director of the Smart Places Programs Portfolio
Luke Musgrave, Director, Smart Places Strategy
Dr Sunil Dubey
Thought leader on Urban Innovation and Associate at the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University. Sunil led the local government roundtable negotiations on urban innovation and smart cities for UN New Urban Agenda
Michael Neustein, Chairman AIUS NSW
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NSW Smart Places – Reshaping digital enablement for inclusive planning
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